Telegram launched a reward system for content creators. The Telegram channel monetization program is based on The Open Network blockchain and allows channel owners to earn Toncoins.
The Telegram messenger team launched a crypto reward system for content creators, called “one of the most generous in the history of social media.” Users will be able to receive 50% of revenue from ads that are shown in Telegram channels they create.
The main condition is that public Telegram channels with at least 1,000 readers subscribed to the program will participate. In total, Telegram channels collect more than 1 trillion views every month. The award will be given in TON.
The received crypto can be withdrawn without commission or used on Telegram for other purposes, namely:
- paying for advertisements on the platform;
- buying collectible addresses for accounts;
- Premium subscription giveaways.
The press release emphasizes the difference between Telegram ads and similar features on other social media platforms. They never appear in personal chats, chat lists, or other interfaces — they’re exclusively displayed in large public channels. In addition, the platform doesn’t use personal data to target ads.
Pavel Durov, Founder of Telegram, announced the launch of RevShare, an advertising platform based on The Open Network, in early March 2024. A year earlier, the messenger introduced the ability to create an anonymous account without a SIM card, the credentials of which are stored on the TON blockchain.
Сообщение Web3 Reward System for Channel Authors Launched on Telegram появились сначала на CoinsPaid Media.